31 Januari 2010

Crack win Vista win 7 Slic Loader 2.4.0

Vista7 Slic Loader 2.4.0 (10.01.2010) 5.91 MB

* Quick installation (as based on a WMI script).
* One file.
* Small size.
* Choose a random name of the boot during installation.
* Ability to set (replace) only the certificate.
* The possibility of replacing the key.
* Ability to add their individual OEM information and logo.
* Ability to backup and restore license information.

Version 2.3.8
* Auto SLIC.
* Auto-activation method on the version of SLIC.

* Windows 7 Ultimate x86 & x64
* Windows 7 Professional x86 & x64
* Windows 7 Home Premium x86 & x64
* Windows 7 Home Basic x86 & x64
* Windows 7 Starter x86
* Windows Server (R) 2008 Standard x86 & x64
* Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard x86 & x64
* Windows Server (R) 2008 Enterprise x86 & x64
* Windows Vista Ultimate x86 & x64
* Windows Vista Business x86 & x64
* Windows Vista Home Premium x86 & x64
* Windows Vista Home Basic x86 & x64
* Windows Vista Starter x86


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  1. Ersano: Crack Win Vista Win 7 Slic Loader 2.4.0 >>>>> Download Now

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